Stress Management

Are things all getting a bit much? Are you finding it hard to cope at work, at home or in life in general? We can help you manage your stress levels, improve your everyday functioning and most importantly gain insight into how you help create your own stress when reacting to external triggers.


In the UK over 13 million working days are lost every year because of stress. Stress is believed to trigger 70% of visits to doctors, and 85% of serious illnesses (UK HSE stress statistics). Stress produces numerous symptoms which vary according to persons, situations, and severity. These can include physical health decline as well as anxiety and depression.


Cognitive Behaviour Therapy offers a clear and effective means in which to manage stress by tackling the important role of thoughts and behaviour which maintain and underpin the way you feel emotionally. Through this process you will be able to gain better control of your reactions to your personal triggers and master skills that can help you feel less stressed, less often.


Treatment may comprise of conversational and belief change work, direct psychological education, behavioural and homework based tasks. Mindfulness training, Cognitive Behavioural and Lifestyle Therapy, may also be utilised to enhance your new skills through highly experiential means.